ASME Section VIII Div 1-2023

Original price was: $940.00.Current price is: $564.00.

2023 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1: Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels

Standard by ASME International, 07/01/2023

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ASME Section VIII Div 1, 2023 Edition – Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels

ASME BPVC Section VIII Division 1 provides requirements applicable to the design, fabrication, inspection, testing, and certification of pressure vessels operating at either internal or external pressures exceeding 15 psig. Such pressure vessels may be fired or unfired. Specific requirements apply to several classes of material used in pressure vessel construction, and also to fabrication methods such as forging,  welding and brazing. It contains mandatory and nonmandatory appendices detailing supplementary design criteria, nondestructive examination and inspection acceptance standards. Rules pertaining to the use of the U, UM and UV ASME Product Certification Marks are also included.


What are the key changes for 2023 BPVC Section VIII, Division 1 (ASME BPVC-VIII-1)?

  • Added a new paragraph UG-84(d)(3) to clarify the impact test requirements for diffusion welding (DFW).
  • Paragraph UG-101(a)(5) was added to address sharing of proof testing reports between manufacturers owned by the same entity
  • Part UHX has been realigned and revised for consistency between the heat exchanger types. The shell and channel coefficients have been revised to be based on the mean diameter instead of the inside diameter, which is consistent with PTB-7.
  • Part UHX and Appendix 26 design rules, which are identical to Part 4.18 and 4.19 of Division 2, have been removed and point to Part 4.18 and 4.19 when appropriate. This will enable identical requirements for all heat exchangers, resulting in easier maintenance through one set of rules.
  • Revised the “PRT” designator to “PRT VIII-1” throughout Section VIII, Division 1.

Careful application of ASME Section VIII Div 1 will help users to comply with applicable regulations within their jurisdictions, while achieving the operational, cost and safety benefits to be gained from the many industry best-practices detailed within these volumes.

Intended for manufacturers, users, constructors, designers and others concerned with the design, fabrication, assembly, erection, examination, inspection and testing of pressure vessels, plus all potential governing entities.

View presentation of key changes to the 2023 BPVC (PDF)


2023 Edition

Published Date

July 1, 2023


Active, Most Current

Document Language


Published By

ASME International (ASME)

Page Count


ANSI Approved



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ASME Section VIII Div 1-2023
$940.00 Original price was: $940.00.$564.00Current price is: $564.00.